The mission of Institute of Technology Tallaght is to be the centre of higher education and knowledge creation within South Dublin County and its environs, to broaden participation in higher education in the region, to be recognised as a leader in supporting research and commercial innovation, and to assist in the advancement of the economic, social and cultural life of the region. The Institute will:

  • Offer a range of relevant and flexible learning opportunities within a professional and supportive learning environment, which are career focused.
  • Provide increased lifelong learning opportunities commensurate with the career requirements of those living in the region and with the developmental needs of business and industry.
  • Promote equality of access and opportunity to widen participation and facilitate all learners in achieving their potential.
  • Serve as a leader and centre for the advancement of research, commercial innovation and enterprise development within the region.
  • Implement civic engagement initiatives to maximise participation of, and increase opportunities for, all citizens in the development of the region.
  • Cultivate a range of international activities and partnerships to advance the core activities and role of the Institute.

Please refer to our website for further general information and to for specific information about the range of full time courses.

Contact Information

Dr. Mike Ahern
Head of School of Science & Computing
Phone: +353-1-4042401